In recent years an increase in the capture and production of ambisonic material has occurred as a result of companies such as YouTube and Facebook utilising ambisonics for spatial audio playback. There is now a greater need for affordable high order spherical microphone arrays. The current projects listed below cover my work in areas ranging from array calibration and optimisation to the development of software tools for array design and evaluation.
Current Projects
- Ambisonic Microphone Array Design Tools for Simulation and Evaluation
[Project Abstract] Link to GUI
This work details the development of a set of tools which can be used to design and evaluate such microphone arrays. The ‘Ambisonic Array Design Tool’ for simulation and ‘Ambisonic Array Evaluation Tool’. Each capsules attributes such as frequency and polar response can be simulated and evaluated along with its generated B-Format signals. These scripts written in MatLab have been packaged within a GUI and will be available online.
- Calibration Approaches for Higher Order Ambisonic Microphone Arrays
[Project Abstract]
Link to Paper
This work details the development of a five-channel circular horizontal ambisonic microphone intended as a tool to explore various array calibration techniques and the use of pre/post processing with correction filters. Initial testing and validation against simulations that show both the frequency and polar response of the individual capsules and that of the resulting B-Format signals. These are presented as a means to evaluate the microphone’s achieved performance.
Previous Projects
- Modelling Loudspeaker Array Performance in Domestic Listening Environments
[Project Abstract]
The evaluation of multi-speaker arrays is often completed in ideal anechoic conditions to better enable the observation of speaker interaction at a known listening position. Real-room testing of speaker arrays is often time-consuming and has practical limitations, which can have an impact on analysis and also the repeatability of testing. This research will investigate the performance of multiple simulated speaker arrays such as 5.1, WFS and Ambisonics in modelled domestic environments.
This will be implemented using acoustic modelling software and measured speaker directivity which will allow for subjective analysis using binaural auralisations; where modelled living room impulse responses will be generated for each speaker type and position to give several ‘virtual loudspeaker arrays’. Objective evaluation of each system's spatial reproduction and localisation ability will also be considered using techniques such as velocity and energy vector analysis as examples
- Room Acoustics and Virtual Reality...
Implementation of Auralisation and 360° image techniques to create virtual representation of spaces
[Project Abstract]
There has been a huge increase in enthusiasm for virtual reality in recent years. Spatial audio is of significant importance when creating virtual reality content if the experience is to be perceptually congruent. This project aims to intersect the worlds of virtual acoustic auralisation and virtual reality, creating a novel method of demonstrating room acoustic environments with maximal audio visual impact in a user friendly fashion. An open source library of 3D impulse responses together with 360° image/video capture using a variety of techniques will be created in different spaces (and positions within). Various spaces will be measured and analysed including classrooms, music venues, buildings of historical interest and theatres. As well as impulse response (IR) measurements, 360° images will be recorded using photospheres, captured on android smart phones [1] and the Ricoh theta S [2]. Future applications for these impulse responses will be the development of a virtual mixing tool, where the user will be able to experience mixing live performances within an auralised virtual environment, a method of allowing audiences to view and hear auralisations of different seating positions within a space for ticketing and marketing purposes, and the possibility of a real time auralised virtual concert.